Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What a busy one!

So this weekend was so busy!!! Anth flew in at lunchtime Friday before a massive weekend of girly celebrations!! Friday was Aleisha's Baby Shower at Leahs House, it was great to catch up with everyone. There is now 10 little girls ranging from 4mths through to 6yrs in our group of friends the bets are on for Leish and whether the bub will be a girl or boy my pick is a baby girl Olive Callinan 22nd August 8lb 3oz so we will see what happens come August!!

Well after leaving 1 hour later than we planned on Saturday we all piled into my car and headed to Sydney for Carrie's Hen's Weekend! The trip wasn't too bad and I managed to find my way through Sydney quite easily which was good. The first stop was Art 4 Play which was a life drawing class very interesting but lots of fun! I seriously thought I would be drawing stick figures but came away with some drawings that actually looked like a nude male model! After our Art Class it was time for dinner at Ouzo 88 we had a fantastic Greek Banquet it was so delicious!! We then headed to the Ivy Bar wow what a venue it was a fantastic night and I am sure Caz had a great time now looking forward to the wedding this weekend! Before heading home we stopped in for a yummy breakfast at Bills Cafe. If you are ever in Surry Hills and want a delicious breakfast defintely go to Bills they serve the best Scrambled Eggs I have ever tasted!!!

Well we certainly had a great weekend filled with lots of fun, laughter & good times and whilst its nice to have girly time out for ourselves I think we all missed our babies more than we were game to mention hahaha! It was lovely to come home to a backyard full of giggling little girls playing in the beautiful sunshine with their daddy!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Becoming a SAHM....

So its been 9weeks since I finished work to be a SAHM and boy oh boy have I found it hard to adjust as have the girls, not that I think they didn't want me at home it was just such a change from our frantic early morning routine of where are we going today mummy? Was it Preschool was it Pop's was it Mamma's or was Aunty Debbie coming? NO just at home with mum!!!! The question is beoming less frequent and met with less disappointment each time! At first I was hurt by the fact that they didn't want to spend the day with me and thought that they felt pushed aside for the past 3yrs whilst I worked it took probably two weeks to realise that it wasn't that they didn't WANT to spend the day with me it was just that they weren't used to it!!! And I guess I wasn't as ready as I thought I was.... its hard to slow down from the neck breaking speed my life was running at to the stroll of the tortoise that it is now but I am slowly learning to enjoy it and saviour the precious moments I previously missed out on and looking forward to many more. Thank Heavens For Little Girls.